It does not matter if they are big, small, aquatic, spikey, or furry, because people love animals. Even the ones that they are not supposed to have as pets. In Singapore, not all animals can be owned as pets.
In this post, you will find some of the exotic pets in Singapore that is owned by people who have a taste for any kind of animal. However, not all of them are legal. If you happen to know someone who likes exotic pets, you will know more about the animals they own here.
You can also learn a lot by reading this post in case you are planning to own an exotic pet. You do not want to end up owning an illegal one, but if you do, there is a way to find them.
These creatures are not like the usual terrapins because they are very beautiful. Their shells are yellow and black that makes them more appealing as pets.
However, they are endangered creatures. The Indian Star Tortoise is protected by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna or Flora (CITES). That is why you cannot keep them as pets.
Therefore, some countries allow them as pets. They are only allowed if they were bred in captivity. Generally, keeping an Indian Star Tortoise as a pet is illegal even in Singapore.
Foxes are cute wild creatures that should not be considered pets. However, some strains of foxes are tame, which were bred in captivity because of their fur. They are not made for wildlife survival, which is why they are not released into the wild. These tame foxes have become quite domesticated.
In these circumstances, they are unique pets that are affectionate and will melt your heart because they like to cuddle. No matter how charming they are, it is best not to keep one because they are not easy to maintain. These foxes are still wild animals at heart, which is why it is illegal to own one in Singapore.
Hedgehogs are adorable, and due to the influx of many hedgehog pages and cafes, it is not unusual for people to want one. However, you cannot own one in Singapore.
They are easy to care for, and you will not have a hard time attaining their food. These creatures need a big cage to run and you must be patient with them before they trust you.
If you consider the exotic nature of a hedgehog, the Singapore authorities fear that the high demand for exotic animals is going to lead to the illegal trade of wildlife creatures.
In addition, hedgehogs are not natives to the ecosystem of Singapore and it can get disrupted if they escape or released into the wild.
Newts and salamanders can be excellent pets if you do not like furry creatures. They are carriers of salmonella which is found in their digestive systems, which is a health risk to humans. That is why they are illegal to be kept as pets in Singapore. Since they are amphibians, you need to keep them in an enclosure or tank that can give them wet and dry areas. Most of the time, they look stunning, with eye-catching colors making them aesthetically beautiful pets that can entertain you for hours. However, they are illegal to be kept as pets in Singapore.
Gibbons being sold as pets can be obtained only by force. These gibbons are taken from their mothers by force because they very family-oriented. They must kill the entire family of the baby monkey so they can get it.
Taking care of a primate is a lot of work, and they are very smart which makes them capable of escaping from their cages. They are also very volatile and tend to become destructive if they get frustrated. They will surely get frustrated if you force them to stay in a cage their entire life because it is mental torture for them.
A lot of primate owners realize that they cannot anymore cope with the demands of keeping them. They end up abandoning or reselling them. Not all zoos will take them in, which can be quite hard if you decide to give up on them.
Some people are afraid of lizards, so they run and scream when they see one. Just think about seeing an iguana that is about 2 meters long in your lounge. These creatures threaten the ecosystem in Singapore, which is why they are illegal as pets. People love them for their beautiful colors, unique attributes, and fascinating features. Even if they look striking in pictures, they need to be handled carefully and demand special care so they can thrive. You also need to commit to them for a long time because they have a lifespan of 15 to 20 years.
The slow loris looks adorable with their large eyes in a small body. However, it is very difficult and cruel to keep them as pets.
It may not be obvious, but they are venomous when they bite, which causes anaphylactic shock and can be deadly to humans. That is already enough reason why you must walk away from them.
Slow lorises have a complex diet that owners struggle with in meeting their needs. This could cause the animal to become sickly and catch diseases or conditions like obesity malnutrition.
Keeping them in captivity is very cruel for a slow loris. They are like whales in the wild, and they like to travel long distances. They cannot do that if they are caged.
Even if there are a lot of reasons for someone to not keep the slow loris as a pet, they still want to. This only encourages the illegal trade of wildlife creatures in Singapore.
Shelters can provide the right veterinary care for them, the right food and bedding, and the love they need. They can go to loving homes that will surely provide all of their needs. Large parrots and tortoises require special care, which could take weeks or months before they can find a new home.
If you find a lost exotic pet, do not hesitate to contact Lost and Found Rewards because they have the knowledge and equipment to contain the animal. You want it to go back to its owner or find a loving home.